Special thanks to TheM for organizing and supplying us with the results of the cup! Congratulations to all the winners:
gg der_rote_flitzer
SmurfsCup Royal #117 – Results
This was the last week of TMPlus missions, where we added the results to our leaderboard. You are still able to play for planets of course! Here are the results:
TMPlus Missions – Results from the last week!
The last week of the stadium adventcup has finished and we have a winner: Marius89 was able to defeat Dog and Firestorrm in an intense final, with 3 players entering the finalist mode at the same time! Eventually, ben3847 managed to come back from 4th and snatched back the […]
Stadium AdventCup Week 4 – Marius89 dominates the Allround Championship!
Here the results for the saturday SmurfsCup Canyon:
SmurfsCup Canyon #181 – Results published!
The last week of the adventcup is in the middle of happening and now we have the 18 qualified players attending to the finals at Sunday, 18:00 CET! (We changed it due to NDC and CPS) Disclaimer: People, who were in the TOP 20, but didn’t finish all […]
Stadium AdventCup Week #4 – Qualification has ended!

“ After finding my way out of the mazeĀlike storage area, I’m now heading back towards Santa’s hideĀout. I have a feeling that I’ll find the revelations I’m looking for. While I’m walking back trough the snow dunes, I realise that I’m walking roughly parallel to something that looks like […]