Stadium Adventcup Week 2 – Speed: 2nd round and final postponed due to SPS!



Due to the massive amount of players training for SPS and also actually playing it, we thought it would be a good idea to postpone the adventcup finals to a later hour:


Old date: Sunday, 6.12.2015, 20:00 CET-21:00 CET

New date: Sunday, 6.12.2015, 22:00 CET-23:00 CET


I hope that this will raise the amount of players participating in our adventcup aswell! Would be a shame if all of that organization would be for nothing!

If you desire to participate, you can join the matchserver here and set a record until friday to qualify for the finals:

Join the Match Server here!

You can find the complete info page with prizes here.

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